The straight cut



First of all, do a low ponytail by securely tightening an elastic hair tie:


2- While maintaining your head really straight, let the elastic slip slowly towards the ends. Tighten closer as it becomes loose.


3 - Stop a little higher than the spot where you want to cut. If necessary, tighten the elastic again.

4 - Gently move your hair in front of you:

If your hair is too short, ask someone you trust to continue.


5 - Hold your hair at the point of the elastic hair tie base and make it slip to the spot where you want to cut, then go ahead!:





© Le Jardin d'Isa & No. Le contenu de ce site est le fruit des nos recherches (sauf mention du contraire).
Merci de préciser la source si vous utilisez des images ou du texte. Thanks to Maud for the translation